MOTS : Winter 2022 Edition

May – July 2022

RUMA RMIT Instagram

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Event Details

What better way to welcome the chilly winter air than our Member of the Season: Winter Edition? 🥶 ❄️  

To qualify for the coveted prize, here are the criteria that need to be met:

  • Attend a RUMA event
  • Bring a friend to a RUMA event
  • Comment on @rumarmit ‘s posts
  • Participate in our ‘Add Yours’ thread (Faces & Places You Miss The Most in Malaysia)

📝  T&Cs

  • The vouchers can be chosen from our customised list after the winner announcement
  • Stories will need to be verified via dm to satisfy this criteria, make sure to check our story highlights for reference!

Happy Winter-ing! 



Other Events

RUMA Smash

Lee Chong Wei’s disciples come join us and show off your skills!

Annual General Meeting

📡A notice for RUMA members! AGM is coming up on the 13th of October 2020 and we would be so glad to have you with us to witness the end of this term as well as a new beginning.✨ Click into the event for more details.

Lowest Like Competition

⚠️Attention!!! Join our Lowest Likes Comment Competition simply by leaving a comment about things to do with RUMA after lockdown down below⌨️ Be the one with the least likes to win a $15 voucher💳 You are also welcomed to like other competitors’ comment to make yourself more advantaged😈

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