Starting school in a new environment may be intimidating at first, but don’t worry, you’ll get used to it! Let’s see a bunch of things you should get ready to have a better head start in your first semester in uni…
1. Stationery!
2. Student ID
3. Join a Club
4. Pre-reading
You may already have access to your Canvas, so definitely go on it and check out all the tabs and if there are pre readings, do them! It’ll help your first classes a lot.
5. Timetable
Complaints about timetable? That’s okay. We all have suffered from the hands of this system. But it’s really important that you make a timetable that you can see clearly, and remember not to get the timings and locations wrong. I like mine colorful and big, and a tip would be to set it as your home screen.
6. Relax
7. Location of classes
It’s funny but I’ve gotten lost trying to find my class, and it made me really frustrated. So unless you know our campus really well, we would suggest going to those classrooms beforehand so that you know them well 🙂
8. Make Friends
One valuable thing you’ll take with you after uni is, friendship. It’s cliche to say this but friends really determine your uni life. You will see them most days only for the next 3 months and even have to be group mates with some, so make use of the time you have with them – and lasting friendships can be made even after uni.
9. Health
A tip I usually get from people is to prep your meals. When assignments and work pile up, sometimes you’ll barely have time to even eat. So keep yourselves fit and remember to eat healthily! Health always always comes first.
10. Have Fun
In the meantime, HAVE FUN! Go out there and meet new friends, and come to RUMA events <3